Homeowner’s Responsibility of Contractors

The BOD has recently been made aware that a neighbor’s lawn service was purposefully blowing lawn debris into the storm sewer. As we all know, these storm sewers must be kept clear to allow heavy rains to discharge to the lake/bay. Purposefully dumping any material into the storm sewers is prohibited and the offender can be penalized per TLV Ordinance Chapter 62-3.b.

If you witness any such violation, please bring this to the offender’s and homeowner’s attention immediately. This action is against the law in TLV.

Another consideration that all TLV homeowners should be aware of when conducting or contracting lot/residence maintenance:

TLV Noise Ordinance 30-67.5 Building operations and lawn maintenance cannot begin before 7am on weekdays and 8am on Saturdays, Sundays and holidays. All work must stop by 10pm any night.

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