Home Improvements

Our guidelines require review and approval of certain property improvements by the Architectural Control Committee (ACC). This is intended to harmonize the neighborhood and maintain property aesthetics and values. Additionally, a TLV city permit may be required. If you are unsure whether your specific improvement will require approval by the ACC and/or TLV, it is best to submit a form for ACC approval while you are still in the planning process. This can save time and money down the road.

In some instances, neighbors have gotten a false sense of approval based on the following sources:

  • Their contractor instructed them that a permit, or ACC approval was not needed.
  • Their neighbor said approval was not necessary.
  • The improvement was in the backyard and think approval is not required.
  • The improvement is “replace in kind” so approval should not be necessary.

The DCCR lists all of the requirements for all residents in KirbyWoods to abide by. Please open the word-searchable Adobe Acrobat link in the right-hand sidebar to access the DCCR.

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